Friday, March 20, 2009

Ashlee Elizabeth Photography blog

Well, I have been fighting the idea of a photography blog for a long time now. It's not that I didn't want to do's just more work! I have been happy with just adding to my website and getting the pictures out that way...but I believe this will be another way to get the pictures out here goes...

So, last week I went out with the Harward girls for a session and some dress-up! It was so much fun! Sara really went all out getting fun props for this one! I loved the old-fashioned look and the sweet sisters! I haven't done a family sitting in awhile and this one reminded me why I always love to do them!


  1. Sara showed me some of these pictures. They are so cute! I love the one with Maicee and her glasses. It kills me.

  2. Ashlee- I have to tell you that I am so happy with these pictures! I told you what I wanted and you made them more perfect than I could have imagined! I hate it when you have an idea of how you want something and it doesn't turn out...well you went way over my expectations! I haven't been this excited about pictures in a long time! Thanks! You are wonderful!
